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Crystal~just another book addict~

I mostly read romance, erotic, historical, chick lit, whatever I can get my hands on.

Currently reading

Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy, Tim Dolin, Margaret R. Higonnet
Karen Marie Moning
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn
Race to Kill (Love and Scandal, #1)
Rachel Kall
Dreamfever - Karen Marie Moning On to book 5......

I will come back and write reviews once I am done :O)
Faefever - Karen Marie Moning 3.5 Stars

Full review to come. On to the next...

Bloodfever (Fever, #2)

Bloodfever (Fever, #2) - Karen Marie Moning 4 Stars!

Full review to come. Have to get to the next book, this is becoming a sickness! LOL!
Darkfever  - Karen Marie Moning BR with my fellow Fever series virgins!

Jericho Barrons


I'll be honest, the first part of the book was a little slow for me and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it, but it finished strong and definitely intrigued me enough that I am diving into the second book right away.

Mac Lane



Full review to come.

Here's the link:
Mine to Hold - Cynthia Eden 4 Blue Diamond Stars

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Noah hasn't seen Claire since Chicago a few months ago at her sister's funeral. He had told her that if she ever needed anything, to call. Claire finally calls him in hopes of getting a job at one of his hotels. It seems someone from her past is making sure she doesn't keep a job for very long before she has to pack up and move on. He wants her for more than just an assistant.

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Claire's past is coming back to haunt her and a lot of people are being murdered. Claire knows that she loves Noah, but it seems anyone in her life is being killed so she thinks she needs to get away from him in order to save him. Noah just doesn't see it that way. He let her go once in Chicago and he won't make the same mistake again. He will do everything in his power to keep her safe. Even kill for her?


ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Mine (Real, Raw & Ripped, #2)

Mine (Real, Raw & Ripped, #2) - Katy Evans 4 I Love Remy Stars!

Remy is still a smoking hot, possessive as hell fighter. Just can't seem to get enough of him!

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We start out with Brooke and Remy getting back together after she ran away from him. It's a new fight season and it's time for Remy to reclaim the championship. He is in the best shape of his life and in a healthy frame of mine now that he has his girl back.

Nobody ever taught him how to love.
He does it instinctively.

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Brooke is back and has promised to never leave him again. It was too hard being apart from each other.

"I promise. I promise, you have my heart, and you have me. You will always have me."

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They are trying to get through the season without Remy going black, but Scorpion is trying to set Remy off.

There are so many things I would love to say in this review but I'm afraid of saying too much so I don't spoil. I will say I was able to tolerate Brooke a little better in this book than the first one and by the end she had definitely done some maturing. It was another great read for me!

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Buddy Read with my girl Ness!!


Race to Kill (Love and Scandal, #1)

Race to Kill (Love and Scandal, #1) - Rachel Kall **ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

Shine Not Burn

Shine Not Burn - Elle Casey 4 Shining Stars!

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I had a lot of laugh out loud moments when Mack and Andie first met at a blackjack table in Vegas. She trips over her impossibly high heels and spills her drink all over him. When she tries to help him get cleaned up, something rather *cough* large pops up. He excuses himself to the bathroom and he asks her to watch his spot at the table. She either has to play or he loses his spot, and she knows absolutely nothing about blackjack.

"No, I don't want you to hit me. Do you want me to hit you?"

Once Mack gets back and sees she is actually doing well, they keep playing and drinking, and the chemistry is flying between them. They had back up to her room where more sparks proceed to fly.

Two years later...

Andie is engaged to be married and has applied for a marriage license. She finds out that it can't be issued because she is already married.


She has to get this taken care of before her fiancé, Bradley, finds out. Once she gets to Oregon though, it seems Mack has other ideas about how to handle the situation. She still feels that same pull between her and Mack, but she has a "Life Plan" all mapped out and she doesn't think he fits into that.

While she is there, she meets his parents and starts learning a lot more about Mack and is more confused and unsure of her plans.

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This was a fun, lighthearted read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would love to find out more about Ian, Mack's brother. Maybe there will be another book?!

Truce: The Historical Neighbor from Hell (A Neighbor from Hell, #4)

Truce: The Historical Neighbor from Hell (A Neighbor from Hell, #4) - R.L. Mathewson 5 Make Me Happy Stars

I can't begin to explain how much I loved this book. It was so nice to read a lighthearted, funny, romantic book. This is a historical romance but it really doesn't read like one. It was very enjoyable to read.


We get to go back in time and meet the beginning of the Bradford men and find out where their obsession with food came from and their ability to love fiercely.


Robert and Elizabeth were childhood enemies. They were constantly pulling pranks on each other, sometimes just plain mean to each other. After they humiliate each other in front of their family and friends when they were kids, they avoided each other like the plague.

Almost 15 years later, they meet again at a ball where neither of them wants to be. They had both escaped to find some solitude in the orangery where Robert finds Elizabeth reading a book. They don't recognize each other. After some very pleasant conversation the sparks fly, in a good way of course. But these happy feelings of love come to an abrupt halt when they finally figure it out.

Through unfortunate circumstances, they were forced to tolerate each other's company in the same household, and they just always seemed to push each other's buttons.

"Too far? Oh dear." She jumped to her feet and ducked just as he reached for her. For some reason she always went too far where he was concerned. It really couldn't be helped though, it was simply too much fun to pass up.

You know the saying that there is a fine line between love and hate? Well, these two definitely toed this line. It was so much fun to watch as their feelings developed and the humor and banter that they shared.


I absolutely adored this book. It will definitely be going on my favorites shelf to be read again along with the other Bradford clan.

Read the book people!!

Buddy Read with some fabulous ladies, Irene, Shannon and Mo.

Link for our BR: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1554488-br-with-irene

Hell Without You

Hell Without You - Ranae Rose This book was sweet, simple and satisfying.


Donovan and Clementine were high school sweethearts. They loved each other completely and didn't think anything could tear them apart. Unfortunately, this wasn't true. Clementine had to make a tough decision and she ended up going away to college and Donovan having no reason for him to stay around, joined the military.


Life has brought Clementine back to town. She wants to see who has bought her grandmother's old house, a place where she had many happy memories, only to discover that Donovan is the new owner. They were both surprised to see each other. But now that Donovan has seen her again, he won't make the same mistake twice in letting her go.

"You lied to yourself, then. I could just as soon forget how to breathe as forget about you. You know that." ~Donovan

"The kind of love that waits for seven years without changing is the kind of love that makes you stupid, sometimes." ~Donovan

This was a sweet, simple read that I very much enjoyed. There was some mystery but no angst.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Untitled (A Neighbor from Hell, #5) - R.L. Mathewson Buddy read with my lovely ladies LJ and Jennifer! We need a release date for this bad boy!!

Cum For Bigfoot (Cum For Bigfoot #1) - Virginia Wade 3.5 Disturbingly Erotic Stars

A little Halloween reading material. I know what you are all thinking, Bigfoot, really?


For a short, erotic, creepy story, it was surprisingly well written.

A group of teenagers go hiking in the mountains, three girls, three guys and a chaperone. One night while the guys are out looking for firewood, the girls see something moving in the woods. The next thing they know, they are waking up in a cage in a basement. A woman unlocks the cage and one by one bigfoot, also known as Leonard, takes the girls and has his dirty, nasty way with them.


Overall, this wasn't too bad and there are more books after this one that will continue on with the story.

After I got done reading this book, my son turns on the TV and what does he start to watch?


I had a good laugh and he looked at me like I was crazy. Go figure?! LOL!

Making Faces

Making Faces - Amy Harmon 5 Absolutely Beautiful Stars!


This is one of the best books I have read in awhile. So what was it about?

Family, Friends and Faith


Was there a romance? Absolutely, but to me that played a secondary role.



Fern was always the ugly duckling growing up. She has red, curly hair, big teeth, scrawny and freckles. She made up for her looks in personality and smarts.

God has given you one face and you make yourself another. ~Hamlet

Fern has been in love with Ambrose since she was 10 years old.

To Fern, Ambrose Young was absolutely beautiful, a Greek God among mortals, the stuff of fairy tales and movie screens.

Fern eventually grows into her looks and blossoms into a beautiful young woman.



Ambrose is gorgeous, athletic, popular and smart. He is the captain of the wrestling team. Fern's friend Rita wants to ask him out by writing him a love note. She asks Fern to help her and things progress from there. Ambrose continues to write Rita love notes and then Fern answers them. Eventually, he finds out that it wasn't Rita writing them and that it was Fern. He's hurt and confused because he really liked the girl in the notes.

During their senior year in high school, the tragedy of 9/11 occurred. At the end of their senior year, Ambrose talks to his friends about joining the National Guard and they all agree to join. Five leave for war, only one comes home. Ambrose returns home scarred both emotionally and physically. One side of his face has been horribly disfigured.

Fern tries to bring him out of his self loathing and misery. Eventually he slowly starts to come out of his shell and his feelings for Fern grow deeper.

"Everything has changed! You are beautiful, I am hideous, you don't need me anymore, but I sure as hell need you!" ~Ambrose

"You make me feel safe, Fern. You make me forget. And when I kiss you I just want to keep kissing you. Everything else falls away. It's the only peace I've found..."



To me, Bailey was the star of the book. He and Fern are cousins and best friends. He also has muscular dystrophy so is in a wheelchair. Fern is always with Bailey, helping to take care of him, driving around and companion. He was such a special person in this book. His humor and the way he dealt with his disease made me smile.

"But there are times when you just need to acknowledge the shit, Fern, you know...Own it, wallow in it, become one with the shit."

This is one of those books that I think everyone needs to read at least once. It was beautiful and heartwarming, tragic and heartbreaking and overall an absolute joy to read.
Bad Idea - Damon Suede 4 Nerdy Stars!

Are you ready for some hot nerd action?!


This normally wouldn't be a book I would pick up and read but I am so glad that I did.

Trip Spector is a comic book artist. He is also tall, thin, shy, has allergies and gay.


Trip is at a zombie run with his two friends, Rina and Jillian. They try to get him out more.

There's, like, a zillion hot fellas in the park. A fucking tsunami of geek beef."

Enter Silas Goolsby. He is handsome, outgoing, built and gay.


They finally get together after a few crossed wires. The dynamic between these two is hilarious. Trip wants to write his own adult comic. Silas is behind him 100% and wants to do whatever he can to help him out, though he may go a bit too far.


This book was a pleasant surprise for me. I am so glad I had the opportunity to read this book. It was well worth the time.



ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
SEAL of my Dreams - Robyn Carr, Jami Alden, Stephanie Bond, Kylie Brant This book....



This is a book full of short stories about Navy SEALs by a bunch of really great authors. The stories are heartwarming and full of romance and just make you feel good.




The best part about buying this book, in my opinion, is that all proceeds go to the Veterans Research Corporation, a non-profit foundation supporting veterans medical research. It was money well spent.

Divine Grace - Heather Rainier Oh boy, I don't even know where to go with this review. I don't write bad reviews because I hate book bashing. The authors all work really hard to produce their books.

Having said that, I personally did not like this book. The dialogue was cheesy to me. No one talks the way these characters talked to each other. Grace was in a relationship with three men: Adam, Jack and Ethan. The way they treated this plus sized woman was really sweet. But again, just didn't do it for me.

So there you have it....
