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Crystal~just another book addict~

I mostly read romance, erotic, historical, chick lit, whatever I can get my hands on.

Currently reading

Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy, Tim Dolin, Margaret R. Higonnet
Karen Marie Moning
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn
Race to Kill (Love and Scandal, #1)
Rachel Kall

Hell Without You

Hell Without You - Ranae Rose This book was sweet, simple and satisfying.


Donovan and Clementine were high school sweethearts. They loved each other completely and didn't think anything could tear them apart. Unfortunately, this wasn't true. Clementine had to make a tough decision and she ended up going away to college and Donovan having no reason for him to stay around, joined the military.


Life has brought Clementine back to town. She wants to see who has bought her grandmother's old house, a place where she had many happy memories, only to discover that Donovan is the new owner. They were both surprised to see each other. But now that Donovan has seen her again, he won't make the same mistake twice in letting her go.

"You lied to yourself, then. I could just as soon forget how to breathe as forget about you. You know that." ~Donovan

"The kind of love that waits for seven years without changing is the kind of love that makes you stupid, sometimes." ~Donovan

This was a sweet, simple read that I very much enjoyed. There was some mystery but no angst.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.