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Crystal~just another book addict~

I mostly read romance, erotic, historical, chick lit, whatever I can get my hands on.

Currently reading

Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy, Tim Dolin, Margaret R. Higonnet
Karen Marie Moning
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn
Race to Kill (Love and Scandal, #1)
Rachel Kall

The Agency (The Agency, #1)

The Agency (The Agency, #1) - L.C.  Lockwood Where to start with this one. Well, at least it was free is all I can say. This book was only 17 pages so really didn't get much out of it. The second book has all of 31 pages in it and is going for $2.99, won't be buying it. I will read the next one if it is free, otherwise I think it would be a waste of money.

The sex between Blaire is Mason was good, nothing off the charts. Not sure what else to say about it, didn't make much of an impact on me.
